NE Utah Campsites for RV Boondocking
These are the NE Utah Campsites we've occupied in our RV Boondocking Travels. The Arbitrary lines I've drawn to mark off the NE Quarter of the state is an East/West line through Nephi, on I-15 and Helper on U.S. 191 and Using the I-15 corridor as the Western Boundry
Flaming Gorge National Recreation area
Red Canyon Recreation Complex
Elevation: approximately 7400'
Ashley National Forest
355 North Vernal Avenue
Vernal, UT 84078
Type of Camp: Improved Fee: $15
Number of Sites: Skull Creek (17), Red Canyon (8), Greens Lake (20), Canyon Rim (20)
Rig Size Limitations: Full sized rigs should have little trouble in most of the Campgrounds *except* for Red Canyon. There were only one or two sites in the Red Canyon Camp to fit 30' plus rigs, at least to my eye
Road Surface: Paved interior roads with a good number of the site pads paved.
Cell Signal: Within the Red Canyon Complex area there seemed to be functional signal without amplification. Helped to have an amplifier.

Directions: The Red Canyon Recreation Complex is Located at the Southern end of Flaming Gorge National Recreation area.
Follow Utah 44 East from Manila, or West from it's intersection with U.S. 191 to approximately MM 3.4 at FR 95/Red Canyon road. Turn North.
Greens Lake, Canyon Rim and Red Canyon Campgrounds, are reached on Red Canyon Road/ FR95, in that order, with Red Canyon Campground being approximately 2 miles from the intersection. Skull Creek Campground is located 1 mile east, of the Red canyon Rd/FR95 and Utah 44 intersection on the North side of Utah 44.
We have used, Canyon Rim, Red Canyon and Skull Creek Campgrounds, and found them all to be nice camps.
How I found This Camp: All these campgrounds were found using our maps and Forest Service websites.
Season/Month I Observed: We've been here in mid summer and mid spring
Weather I experienced: The mid summer weather was warm to hot and dry... the mid spring of 2011 was mostly cold/wet
Available Services Noted:
- Fresh Water
Fresh water is available in the USFS Campgrounds.- Dump Station
Cedar Springs Campground near Dutch John and Buckboard Crossing Campground in the NW corner off Hwy 530. The best place to find Dumps is Fuel
- Medical
We required Medical Service for a sudden severe illness in May of 2011. Ashley Medical center, as well as an urgent carefacility is located in Vernal, Utah, 45 minutes to the South. - Banking
Vernal, Utah- Repair Shops
- Grocery
Vernal, Utah- Hardware
Vernal, Utah- WiFi
- Veterinarian
Comments: Stop in one of the Visitor Centers and pickup the Ashley National Forest Visitor guide... Dump Station locations and much info!
If you want the close availability of water and the use of outhouses, the FS campgrounds are all real nice... and judging by our experience... not heavily used. There is also much dispersed camping available in the area.
Flaming Gorge National Recreation area
Deep Creek Road
Elevation: approximately 7800'
Ashley National Forest
355 North Vernal Avenue
Vernal, UT 84078
Type of Camp: Dispersed Fee: Zero Fee for Dispersed Camping. There is a $5daily fee when within the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. Golden access and other interagency passes are accepted.
Number of Sites: N/A
Rig Size Limitations: While some locations are too tight for big rigs, many of the sites I've found along Deep Creek Road have plenty of room to allow a 40' motorhome... though, a smaller rig might roll in a lil' more comfortably.
Road Surface: Graded Dirt Forest Road
Cell Signal: The location we used is only 1/4 mile or so off the pavement of Utah 44. At that point, The signal comes and goes, mostly 1X... I found equal signal at a couple sites farther up along Deep Creek Road.With my Cellular amplifier working I had full function of my cell and air card.

Directions: at approximately MM 11.4 approximately 8 miles west of Red Canyon Rd/FR95, on the south side of Utah 44 is a fairly large, pullout area, well signed as Deep Creek Road.
How I found This Camp: I was referred to this location by a USFS Employee when asked about dispersed camping locations in the area. We then scouted the area while staying in the Skull Creek Campground.
Season/Month I Observed: Mid spring
Weather I experienced: Mid spring of 2011 was unusually cold & wet
Available Services Noted:
- Fresh Water:
Fresh water is available in the nearby USFS Campgrounds.- Dump Station:
Buckboard Crossing Campground NW section on Utah 530. Cedar Springs Campground near Dutch John. The best place to search for a Dump Station is; Fuel:
- Medical:
We required Medical Service for a sudden severe illness in May of 2011. Ashley Medical center, as well as an urgent carefacility is located in Vernal, Utah, 45 minutes to the South. - Banking:
Vernal, Utah- Repair Shops:
- Grocery:
Vernal, Utah- Hardware:
Vernal, Utah- WiFi:
- Veterinarian:
Comments:Stop in one of the Visitor Centers and pickup the Ashley National Forest Visitor guide... Dump Station locations and much info!
There are several locations for dispersed camping in the area. There are a few on the side trails leading off of Utah 44, between Red Canyon road and Deep Creek road.
Also, for several miles up Deep Creek Road, south of Utah 44 there are a number of Dispersed Camping sites.
In the spring, I'd advise using one of the Forest Service Improved campgrounds nearby... and give yourself time to scoutlocations. The ground gets pretty wet from the winter... and you'll want to make sure it's dried off and firmed up enoughto allow you to pull a rig in without doing damage.
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