"We're going full-time in our Motorhome, How much is our Full time RV Budget going to be?"
It's often the first question I hear from an aspiring full-time rver, and it's arguably one of the most important. If you ain't got the cash to feed your Full time Budget, it's gonna a be a little bit tough to do much Full-time RV Boondocking!
The pretty weak "sounding" answer, of those in the know, is "How much do you have? That's how much your budget is going to be!" I know it sounds kind of vague, but it really is the most honest answer to the question.
When people go Full time RV Boondocking or just Full-timing in general, they most usually maintain the the same "level" of lifestyle they were living before. Leopards really don't change their spots!
If they went out to eat four times a week back "home" they'll pretty much stay to that routine out on the road. They tend to buy the same magazines, wear the same clothes and do the same things.
You seldom see a couple move from a 6 bedroom, 4 car garage, estate into a used 20 foot class C Winnebago! There ain't one thing wrong with the Minnie Winnie, but it just doesn't fit their "view" of things! And that's just fine.
Likewise, folks like me, a little further down the economic structure,(lol) seldom move out of our brick and mortar homes into a 45 foot diesel pusher.
They sure are nice, but they don't fit my lifestyle. There's the point. Even in the RV community, (a lot smaller than the general society around us) everyone is different, with their own ideas of what fits and what's right for them. (some of us a little more "different" than others!) With those differances are widely differing expenses.
About the only thing that really changes much are your "housing" expenses and fuel costs.
In our own Full-time RV Budget case, the fuel costs will be up a bit (marginally) but our "housing" costs will drop dramatically! Virtually eliminated since our rig is or will be clear of any debt.
The end result, for us (after eliminating ALL debt) is our Full time RV Budget will only be approximately 50% of what our "brick and mortar" lifestyle expenses were ................... not too bad right?
That's the key I think to cutting your Full-time RV Budget expenses. If you can clear the debt on your rig, you can live pretty much as you used to, on a lot less money! That should help stretch your retirement savings or income shouldn't it?
If you, like us, still have to work some, it lets us work a lot easier! Not so many hours! A lot more time to go fishing! or kayaking or whatever else toots your full time RV Boondocking whistle!
The numbers are going to vary widely according to each persons individual situation. Me making a statement here, that "Your RV Boondocking adventure is going to cost you X number of dollars", would simply be fiction, and less than useless to you.
I like telling stories, you might have guessed, but not ones that end up misleading and hurting folks!
Actual Full time RV Budgets that I have seen have ranged from maybe $1,500 a month to well over $5,000. If you got it, spend it! Just adjust how you live to your circumstance.
The only way for folks to accurately know or project their expenses, for a Full-time RV Budget, will be to sit down with a calculator, a sharp pencil, some blank paper, a large pot of coffee and start cypherin'!
Oh, and turn the stereo on. Might as well make this a pleasant exercise! The sound track to "Monte Walsh" suits me pretty fine!
Full time RV Budget Ideas.
These are just my ideas and what has worked for us. Tweak or overhaul them for your own use, where ever your personal requirements for a full-time RV Budget lead you.
Our full time RV budget for parking is $180 per month. I am "luckily"? a disabled vet, so I
only have to pay 50% for National Forest Svc./ Park Svc. fees. I figure
off the top end of around $14 and figure on 30 days. We are usually
able to take a lot of the sting out of our Full-time RV Budget with long
camps of 10 to 14 days. The money is in the budget if we need it, but
RV Boondocking, with zero parking fees when "dispersed camping", allows
us to just let it stack up ............. for emergency use, or just in
case, down the road.
The more effort you put into preparing your full time RV Budget for your adventure, the more likely you'll have a "more harmonious outcome!". The more likely you'll be able to overcome unexpected "situations", with less "tribulation", and the more likely you'll be able to sustain the adventure, long term.
Many years ago, in the U.S. Army, we had a rather crude saying. "Remember the 7 P's".
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance!
Um ............. I did use "pathetically" in place of the "crude" term we used back then ............... in light of the forum here, and who might read it, I thought I might should exercise a little decorum!
Put your ducks in a nice neat row. Get your Full time RV Budget solidly prepared. Then get out there and get Goin' RV Boondocking!
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